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January 21, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm


Time: 7:00 p.m.     Place:  **Zoom (see meeting login below)

  1. Approval of the December 17, 2020 meeting minutes.
  2. ADJOURNED TO FEBRUARY Montebello Gateway, LLC, PO Box 782, Monsey, NY 10952 – PUBLIC HEARING    34 N. Airmont Road, Montebello, NY     S/B/L 55.07-1-3 Application of Montebello Gateway, LLC, PO Box 782, Monsey, NY 10952 for 34 North Airmont Road, Montebello, New York 10901 which is submitted to the Village of Montebello Zoning Board of Appeals for area variances for: Buffer to Airmont Road [required 50 feet, proposed 23 feet]; Ingress/Egress within 300 feet of residential district [required 300 feet, proposed 99 feet]; Maximum Height [required 30 feet, proposed 36 feet]; Floor Area Ratio [required .20, proposed .26]; Front Setback [required 75 feet, proposed 56.8 feet]; and Development Coverage [required 50%, proposed 52.8%]; Floor area ratio [required 0.20 proposed 0.26]. per Sec. 195-87.3(A), Sec. 195-9 Use Table for LO-C District, Column G, and Sec. 195-13 Bulk table, Use Group L of the zoning code of the Village of Montebello.  The Applicant is proposing the construction of a 3.5 story, 50,000 square foot medical office building with 253 parking spaces.  The parcel is located at 34 North Airmont Road, on the northwest side of Airmont Road at the intersection of Montebello Road in the Village of Montebello, which is designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 55.07 block 1 Lot 3 in the LO-C zone.  THE APPLICANT WAS LAST BEFORE THE BOARD ON OCTOBER 15 2020. THE APPLICANT WILL ADJOURN TO THE FEBRUARY 18, 2021 ZBA MEETING.
  3. Aron Bistrizky, 160 Spook Rock Road, Montebello, NY    S/L/B   49.05-1-12          Application of Aron Bistritzky of 160 Montebello Road, Montebello, New York 10901 which was submitted to the Village of Montebello Zoning Board of Appeals for variances for: Front yard [required 50 feet, proposed 9.6 feet]; Side setback [required 30 feet, proposed 23.1 feet]; Total side setback [required 75 feet, proposed 55.7 feet]; Side yard [required 25 feet, proposed 9.5 feet]; Rear yard [required 25 feet, proposed 10.4 feet]; Development coverage [required 20%, proposed 34%]; and south side yard [required 25 feet, proposed 16.8 feet] as per Sec. 195-13 Bulk Table, Use Group h, columns 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 13, and Sec. 195-17 of the zoning code of the Village of Montebello.  The Applicant is proposing the construction of and addition to a single-family dwelling with a covered dining and lounge area, an in-ground pool, a sports court and a parking area.  The parcel is located at 160 Spook Rock Road in the Village of Montebello, which is designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 49.05, Block 1, Lot 2 in the RR-50 Zone.  THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THE APPLICATION WAS LAST BEFORE THE BOARD ON DECEMBER 17, 2020.


Montebello is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Zoning Board of Appeals
Time: Jan 21, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 2531 4662
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The Budget Workshop will begin at 3pm followed by the monthly Board meeting on October 16.
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