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Zoning Board Meeting
September 21, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
SEPTEMBER 21, 2023
- Approval of the July 20, 2023 meeting minutes.
- Approval of the August 17, 2023 meeting minute
- Simon Ganz – PUBLIC HEARING continued–3 Sycamore Lane–49.05-1-29 Application of Simon Ganz on behalf of 3 Sycamore Lane LLC, owners of 3 Sycamore Lane, Montebello, NY, which was submitted to the Village of Montebello Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance for: Development coverage [maximum 20%, proposed 21%] as per Section 195, Attachment 2, Use Group h of the zoning code of the Village of Montebello for the construction of a circular driveway. The Parcel is located on the west side of Sycamore Lane approximately 350 feet north of the intersection of Viola Road and is identified on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 49.05 Block 1 Lot 29 in the RR-50 Zone.
- Mendy Kempler—PUBLIC HEARING–213 Spook Rock Road–49.13-1-4 Application of Mendy Kempler, owner of 213 Spook Rock Road, which was submitted to the Village of Montebello Zoning Board of Appeals for variances for: Total side setback [required 75 feet, provided 56.40 feet]; north side yard [required: 25 feet, provided 5 feet]; and side setback [required 30 feet, provided 23.30 feet] as per Section 195 Attachment 2, row h, columns 6, 7 and 8 of the zoning code of the Village of Montebello for a proposed addition to a single-family dwelling. The parcel is located on the east side of Spook Rock Road, 10 feet north of Topaz Court and is identified on the Ramapo Tax map as Section 49.13 Block 1 Lot 4 in Zone RR-50.
- Montebello Gateway, LLC—[public hearing closed]-34 N. Airmont Road–55.07-1-3 Application of Montebello Gateway, LLC, PO Box 782, Monsey, NY 10952 for 34 North Airmont Road, Montebello, New York 10901 which is submitted to the Village of Montebello Zoning Board of Appeals for area variances for: Maximum Height [required 36’* feet, proposed 53 feet]; Floor Area Ratio [required .24* proposed .25] per Sec.195-13 Bulk table, Use Group L of the zoning code of the Village of Montebello. The Applicant is proposing the construction of a 3.5 story, 46,400 square foot medical office building with 228 parking spaces. The parcel is located at 34 North Airmont Road, on the northwest side of Airmont Road at the intersection of Montebello Road in the Village of Montebello, which is designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 55.07 block 1 Lot 3 in the LO-C zone. *per ZBA Resolution of May 2021