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Zoning Board Meeting

May 19, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm


TIME: 7:00 PM     PLACE: ZOOM**

  1. Approval of the March 17, 2022 meeting minutes
  2. MSC of Montebello–PUBLIC HEARING–34 Montebello Road–48.19-1-42          Application of MSC of Montebello, 34 Montebello Road, Montebello, NY 10901 which was submitted to the Village of Montebello Zoning Board of Appeals.  The Applicant appeals the written determination made by the Building Inspector of the Village of Montebello dated March 14, 2022 pursuant to Section 195-108A. of the Village code.  The parcel is located on the south side of Montebello Road approximately 50 feet west of the intersection of Mile Road in the Village of Montebello, which is designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 48.19 Block 1 Lot 42 in the LO-C /RR-50 Zones. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THE APPLICATION IS BEFORE THE BOARD.
  3. Samuel Roth–PUBLIC HEARING–4 Caddy Lane, Montebello, NY–48.20-1-69        Application of Samuel Roth of 4 Caddy Lane, Montebello, New York 10901 which was submitted to the Village of Montebello Zoning Board of Appeals for an area variance for: Floor Area Ratio [maximum 0.15%, proposed 0.17%] per Section 195-13 Bulk Table, use group m, column 14 of the Zoning Code of the Village of Montebello to permit the construction, maintenance and use of an addition to an existing single-family home.  The property is located on the east side of Caddy Lane at the intersection of Senator Levy Drive in the Village of Montebello, which is designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 48.20 Block 1 Lot 69  in the RR-50 Zone.  THE APPLICANT WAS LAST BEFORE THE BOARD ON MARCH 17, 2022
  4. Reyce Krause–PUBLIC HEARING–6 Rose Hill Road–41.17-1-60.3       Application of Reyce Krause of 743 Passaic Avenue, Apt. 455, Clifton, NJ 07012 which was submitted to the Village of Montebello Zoning Board of Appeals for an area variance for: Floor Area Ratio [maximum 0.15%, proposed 0.213] per Section 195-13 Bulk Table, use group h, column 14 of the Zoning code of the Village of Montebello to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a single-family dwelling.  The property is located on the south side of Rose Hill Road, approximately 250 feet from the intersection of Spook Rock Road in the Village of Montebello, which is designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 41.17 Block 1 Lot 60.3 in the RR-50 Zone.  THE APPLICANT WAS LAST BEFORE THE BOARD ON MARCH 17, 2022
  5. Jonathan Abenaim–PUBLIC HEARING continued–1 Coe Farm Road–40.20-1-30          Application of Jonathan Abenaim, 1 Coe Farm Road, Montebello, New York 10901 which was submitted to the Village of Montebello Zoning Board of Appeals for area variances:  Front Yard (Grandview Avenue) [required 50’, proposed 38.4’]; Front Setback (Grandview Avenue) [required 50’, proposed 38.4’]; Development Coverage [maximum 20%, proposed 24.6%]; Floor Area Ratio [maximum 15%, proposed 21.3%] per Section 195-13 and 195 Attachment 2, Use Group h, Columns  5, 4, 13 and 14 of the code of the Village of Montebello.  The Applicant proposes the construction of a 2-story 3,225  square foot addition to the existing home at 1 Coe Farm Road, Montebello, NY.  The property is located on the east side of Coe Farm Road at the intersection of Grandview Avenue in the Village of Montebello, which is designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 40.20 Block 1 Lot 30  in the RR-50 Zone.  THE APPLICANT WAS LAST BEFORE THE BOARD ON FEBRUARY 17, 2022. THE APPLICANT WAS LAST BEFORE THE BOARD ON JANUARY 20, 2022
  6. Swietek/Olympic C&P–PUBLIC HEARING–26 Orchard  Street–48.17-1-22           Application of Wojciech Swietek, 16 Pyngyp Road, Stony Point, NY 10980 which was submitted to the Village of Montebello Zoning Board of Appeals for an area variance for: Floor Area Ratio [maximum 0.25%, proposed 0.35] per Section 195-13 Bulk Table, use group x.1 column 14 of the Zoning code of the Village of Montebello to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a two-story addition to an  existing single-family dwelling.  The property is located on the northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 300 feet west from the intersection of Lake Road in the Village of Montebello, which is designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 48.17 Block 1 Lot 22 in the RR-15 Zone.  THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THE APPLICATION IS BEFORE THE BOARD.


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May 19, 2022
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Event Category:


ZOOM Meeting
Montebello, NY 10901 United States + Google Map
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