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Planning Board Meeting – on ZOOM
May 12, 2020 @ 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
- Approval of the March 10, 2020 Planning Board minutes
- Report on CDRC activities.
- Howard Hellman/84 Viola Road, LLC—Public Hearing continued – Site Plan for a House of Worship, 84 Viola Road, Montebello, NY Application of 84 Viola Road, LLC, c/o Howard Hellman, 100 Snake Hill Road, West Nyack New York, for approval of a Site Plan entitled “84 Viola Road, LLC” proposing the construction of a house of worship. The subject property is located on the north side of Viola Road, approximately 500 feet west of Spook Rock Road in the Village of Montebello, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 49.05, Block 1, Lot 17 in the RR-50 Zone. The application was last before the Board on January 14, 2020. THE APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED AN ADJOURNMENT TO THE JUNE 9, 2020 MEETING
- Manhattan Beer Distributors, c/o Andrew Berger AIA – Subdivision/Amended Site Plan, 10-20 Dunnigan Drive, Montebello, NY Applicant proposes a lot line merge, the construction of an addition to the two existing buildings, the relocation of the railroad track at the south property line, and the construction of a loading deck with canopy and a parking deck on the north side of the parcel. The property is located on the north side of Dunnigan Drive, approximately 1000 feet west of the intersection of Airmont Road in the Village of Montebello, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 55.07, Block 1, Lots 11 and 12. The applicant was last before the Board on March 10, 2020. THE APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED AN ADJOURNMENT TO THE JUNE 9, 2020 MEETING.
- Hemion Land Lease LLC—Site Plan, 5 Hemion Road, Montebello, NY Application of Hemion Land Lease LLC, 7-11 Suffern Place, Suffern, NY 10901 for a Site Plan entitled “5 Hemion Road.” The Applicant proposes two-story, 12,000 square-foot office building with parking. The Parcel is located on the west side of Hemion Road approximately 500 feet north of Route 59 in the Village of Montebello, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 55.10, Block 1, Lot 5.2 in the NS Zone. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THIS APPLICATION IS BEFORE THE BOARD
- Montebello Crossing– Site Plan/ Subdivision, Amended Site Plan – 250 Lafayette Avenue, Montebello, NY Application of Montebello Crossing, LLC, 100 Dutch Hill Road, Suite 340 Orangeburg, New York, for 250 Lafayette Avenue, Montebello, New York. The applicant is proposing a mixed-use development consisting of a 132 unit, 200 bed assisted living facility, a 14,600 square foot pharmacy with drive-through, and a 10,000 square foot office building. The project will also consist of amending the site plan for Hemion Holdings shopping center to the east of the site. The property is located at 250 Lafayette Avenue, on the North side of Route 59, approximately 350 feet west of the intersection of Hemion Road in the Village of Montebello, which is designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 55.10, Block 1, Lot 2 in the R59 DD Zone. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THIS APPLICATION IS BEFORE THE BOARD.
- 34 North Airmont Road—Site Plan, Special Permit, 34 North Airmont Road, Montebello, NY Application of Berel Karniol, PO 782, Monsey, NY 10952. The Applicant is proposing the construction of a 3.5 -story, 50,000 square-foot medical office building with 253 parking spaces. The parcel is located at 34 North Airmont Road, on the northwest side of Airmont Road at the intersection of Montebello Road in the Village of Montebello, which is designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 55.07 Block 1 Lot 3 in the LO-C Zone. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THE APPLICATION IS BEFORE THE BOARD.
- New Business