Eagle Scout Fundraiser to Benefit Kathryn Gorman Parks Pond


Eagle Scout Fundraiser

Adult Painting Party with 2Craftholics
Thursday, March 26th, 2020 @ 7:00 pm
At the Congers Veterans Memorial Association, 66 Lake Road, Congers, NY 10920
Come support the Eagle Scout Project Fundraiser to benefit
Kathyrn Gorman Ponds Park in the Village of Montebello
Organized by Thomas Fantry, Boy Scout Troop 2029
Join us for a fun night out. Come and bring a friend and paint the night away.
$45 per person in advance.
Includes: 12×16 wood and all supplies for staining, painting, stenciling provided.
Coffee and Desserts will be served – BYO snacks and beverages.

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